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YU Cheng-Ta

In the beginning, YU Cheng-Ta, before anything happened, got his hands on a camera for the first time and explored the media from the first time. In Moving Lines, spray paint black lines are visible in the double screens, but only the head and tail. Only sound is left in the middle to perceive the distance, alluding to the existential elephant in the room in consumable news media. He later created Color Wall, a screen trick that turns the green screen into colored papers. Before evolving into a creator of multiple identities, multiple media, and multiple genders, he first exercised raw practice and thinking. That’s how everyone starts.

INSTALLATION VIEWS (Courtesy of the artist and Chi-Wen Gallery)

余政達_2003_Moving Lines_(2_2).jpg

YU Cheng-Ta

Moving Lines, 2003

Two-channel video, Dimension variable; color with sound, 3'46'' loop, 5 Ed. + 1 A.P.


INSTALLATION VIEWS (Courtesy of the artist and Chi-Wen Gallery)

余政達_2004_Color Wall.jpg

YU Cheng-Ta

Color Wall, 2004

Single-channel, video, Dimension variable; color with sound, 1'30'' loop, 5 Ed. + 1 A.P.


余政達 YU Cheng-Ta

00:00 / 01:56

余政達,1983年出生於台南,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術學院美術系及美術創作碩士班,目前居住及創作於台北。近期重要展出包含:2020年臺北市立美術館展覽「藍天之下:我們時代的精神狀況」,2019年紐約Performa雙年展,2018年龐畢度藝術中心「Tell Me What You Want」(個人放映),2017年鳳甲美術館個展,2016年巴黎龐畢度藝術中心展覽「Polyphonis」,2015年第五十六屆柏林國際影展「Forum Expanded」單元。

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